Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spiritualism Lesson 5 - Faith & Learning

Spiritualism- Lesson 5, Faith & Learning

What is Faith and how can One learn Faith? What is Truth and how can One learn Truth? What is Knowledge and how can One obtain Knowledge? What do I know and what do I want to know? After studying this week's lesson on Spirituality these were the questions in my mind. So I set off on the path of discovery to see what I could learn about Faith, Truth and Knowledge. I remember when I was in college I often challenged my professors if I missed a question on an exam. One of my very amazing professors advised me early on to show her why I had chosen a certain answer that she had marked as incorrect. She challenged me to prove why the answer I had chosen was, from my perspective, the correct answer. She would say to me "Susan, give me the page number and the line number in the textbook on which you based your answer. This response from my professor inspired me to read the college textbook again and discover why I chose the answer I did. Once I had studied the textbook and obtained the answer, I presented my findings to my professor and we discussed the question and the answer. I remember how her blue eyes twinkled the first time I presented her with the page number and line number in the textbook on which I had based my answer. She smiled and agreed with me that the answer she marked as incorrect could also be perceived as correct. As a result I was given additional points on my test .My professor even took a few further steps. She informed all my classmates that they too would get points added to their test scores if they had chosen the same answer as I had for that that particular question and it was marked as incorrect. She advised all my classmates that going forward they had the option to challenge any question that had been marked incorrect on an exam. In order to challenge an answer however they had to prove why they had chose the answer they did using the same process I had been advised to use. They had to provide the page number and line number in the textbook on which they had based their answer. The only other condition to challenge an answer was that at least 3 other people had to have chosen the same answer and have had it marked incorrect on the exam. Her actions actually taught me how to learn new information more effectively and inspired me to want to learn new things. The greatest lesson I learned from her was that learning is a lifelong process. So with this week's lesson on Spirituality in mind I looked up the words Faith, Truth and Knowledge in 2 completely different dictionaries. One dictionary I used is the one I acquired years ago when I originally attended seminary. The dictionary is called the Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary. It was written by June G.Bletzer and the copyright is 1986. I enjoy using this dictionary because it defines words and concepts from a spiritual perspective. The other dictionary I used is the American Heritage College Dictionary, third edition, copyright 2000, 1997, 1993. I like using this dictionary because it defines words and concepts from secular or worldly perspectives rather than spiritual perspectives. I looked up the words faith, truth and knowledge in both dictionaries. The definition of Faith in the American Heritage dictionary resonated within me as an excellent definition of faith found on page 491. Faith- the confident belief in the truth value or trustworthiness of a person, an idea or a thing, belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence,. Faith was also defined as a set of principles or beliefs. I looked up the words True and Truth in the American Heritage dictionary as well. The word True was defined from 14 different perspectives. The word truth was defined from 5 different perspectives The fifth definition of Truth was the one that I liked the best. Truth was simply defined as reality or actuality. However the secular definition of truth did not satisfy my need to discover an acceptable definition of truth. So I looked up the word Truth in the Psychic dictionary. On page 649 of the Psychic dictionary the word Truth is defined as an individual Reality (not universal) ; all individuals have their own truth within themselves. Truth must be found within one's self, no one can teach another a truth; that which is the fundamental and ultimate reality of any one thing. Finally, I looked up the word Knowledge in both dictionaries. In the American Heritage dictionary Knowledge is defined as familiarity, awareness or understanding gained through experience or study. The Psychic dictionary defines knowledge as a scope of Awareness of varying degrees of information which one feels good about and then learns accordingly from memory.

So I concluded that all beings are capable of learning Faith or a system of beliefs. Learning Faith or a system of beliefs requires exploration and study to become aware or knowledgeable of others perceptions of Reality or Truth. In exploring various belief systems One can discover Truths and Spiritual paths One was unaware existed. If the newly discovered Spiritual concepts resonate as Truth within One's soul, One can incorporate the newly discovered concepts into their being and alter their current thoughts or belief structures. Each individual whether they are mind centered or heart centered is on a journey of Spiritual discovery in this existence we call Life. As ministers we can share with others the Truths we have discovered along our own spiritual paths. In sharing our own personal Truths with others, we as ministers are simply guides. Along the spiritual path each person travels they will obtain knowledge and discover concepts, beliefs or principles that resonate as Truth within their souls. Truth can be perceived from many different perspectives and Faith is an individual choice.

Respectfully submitted by

Rev .Susan K. Bowers

1 comment:

  1. My younger sister has been very interested in spirituality stuffs. She reads lots of books about it, watches programmes on the tv. I'll let her know about this course. Thanks a lot for the information.

    Henry Jordan
    The Equation Game
