Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Dr. of Spirituality ACIM: Lesson 4

Excellent lesson on forgiveness. I must admit, I still need to follow and relearn how to forgive on a better level. More so for myself than anything. I figure, to have True Forgiveness would have some peace for myself and my spirit. Prayer comes in handy a lot for this. 

When I was younger, I had a ton of anger issues. Traumatic events and triggers sort of ruled my life until I became a Mother. From that point on, I've been learning not just to forgive those that have done me wrong, but forgiving myself for letting that kind of toxicity take over my being. After 10+ years, it's still a work in progress.

Dr. of Spirituality ACIM: Lesson 2

This lessons give us another approach for coming to our realizations of what God really is. We all have some kind of preconceived idea from what may have been taught to us at a young age. I agree with what was said in that God just is. To be able to grasp that concept along with maintaining our communications would give us an answer we can satisfy our inner curiosity about. While it may boggle the mind, why not sit with the notion for a bit and go with the flow on that. Why must there be any duality? Why must there only be a Male/Female aspect? Why can'y God just Be? 

Delving into the deeper meaning behind the use of Christ has been an eye opener. I, personally, never have been okay with thinking that Christ was just one person. For so many years it had been told and retold that anything besides what was translated was deemed unworthy because of having questions like this. Instead of keeping it on a one way track of 'this is what it is and it isn't anything else', digging deeper with meditation can stretch beyond the borders and have our Souls be touched with more potential for expansion.

We are all children of the Creator. We are all children of the Universe. If/when we are all able to fully comprehend and appreciate this, the better off we can live our lives without having any differences dividing us.

Dr. of Spirituality ACIM Introduction/Lesson 1

Being able to have more of an open mind for seeing Prayer for more than what we originally thought is one of the keys for starters. Knowing that it is more than just asking God for something is a lesson we must remind ourselves. Especially as ministers.

Our connections to God have to be an open line of communication. Communication is always a key factor in having positive relationships. When we take time to have a in depth conversation with God, we open more doors for receiving messages in ways it would be unique to us. However we can be receptive to hearing and feeling the messages of God, being open-minded and have our hearts open would help us better tackle the obstacles that had us turn to prayer to begin with. The saying 'let go and let God' comes to mind here. I feel that God is talking to us all the time, we just have to be still to listen. Join in the conversation and in turn we may find thew answers that we were meant to find.

Communication is the key to opening the doors we forgot we had and to the doors we need to open.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Master of Spiritual Awareness Lesson 6

I feel as if most of this lesson was mostly teaching about rebooting ourselves to be more open to the energies that are around us. Personally, one of my fears was letting go, per se, and being open to all that this world (and others) have to offer. Losing control isn't exactly a bad thing once you have an idea on where it is going to be directed. Though a long process it will be, it's going to be worth the trip if it means being a better person overall. When the right questions are asked for certain roadblocks we may have, we have better comprehension of how energies are just as they are and how we as humans can tap into the Flow to keep evolution going. Just putting all of this in a nutshell as I understand it.


Thank you!