The Miracle of Prayer
Reverend Loretta M. Siani, Ph.D.

This is a course on prayer. It is intended for all ministers of God, from every walk of faith who seek to become God’s miracle workers through prayer. The curriculum for
The Miracle of Prayer is
based on the metaphysics of
A Course in Miracles. A Course in Miracles is not a religion. It claims no monopoly on God. It is a unique spiritual path that presents a transformational perspective on God, life and the human condition. Its teachings combine the insights of modern psychology, the wisdom of Eastern philosophy and the essence of Christianity to address universal spiritual themes. In the process it completely redefines traditional Christian concepts such as sin, sacrifice and forgiveness.

The Miracle of Prayer explains these concepts and gives practical answers to questions such as
What is God? Who is God’s son? What is the Holy Spirit? What is forgiveness? What is prayer? How did prayer come to be? Why is prayer the medium of miracles? What is a miracle? Where do miracles come from? How are miracles extended through prayer? How to pray for a healing. How to pray for your enemies. What it means to pray for the “will of God.” What about unanswered prayers? Praying from the heart. Praying for the things of this world. Thoughts, beliefs and prayer.

Joining in prayer. Communing with God in prayer. Prayer as meditation. It also includes lessons on
Praying at funerals;
Praying at weddings; Praying on special occasions; It gives sample prayers, sample sermons based on prayers
, and offers stories, prayer visualizations, prayer exercises, and a compact disc titled
Waking Dream of Forgiveness that explains the effect of toxic emotions on the immune system and includes a guided prayer visualization for releasing anger and resentment.

Writing this course on prayer has had a profound positive effect on my life. What it has taught me about the power of prayer has proved to be a great source of comfort to me. It has awakened me to feelings of safety and peace I never knew before and opened me to the miracles that are everyone’s through prayer. If from completing this course you gain one iota of this same kind of comfort, peace and increased faith in the miracle of prayer then my course will have accomplished its purpose.

In peace and love,

Reverend Loretta Siani, Ph.D.