Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Course In Miracles

Assignments:  Not really, but I decided to do them anyway.
Are there changes you intend to make in your life?  Yes.  I want to change the fact that I am in love with a man who lives 2500 miles away and I have not the freedom to seek another relationship and don't want  to in the first place.  I want this man and no other, but I want to get resolution on it so that we are not so far apart physically.  We are so close spiritually and emotionally,but the physical distance is driving me nuts.  So I intend to change this.  This is also mentioned in one of my desires in previous homework assignment on Desires, attracting and manifesting

Do you intend to be released from the past?   And what are you going to do to accomplish this?!   Boy, this is a good one.    I do attempt to live in the present, that's for sure.  I love my lover in the present and I loved him 50 years ago.  We feel that it's as if there were not 50 years since we were together.  Sometimes it is almost spooky since we don't feel that time passing has anything to do with our love.  I want to be released from the past and desire to be released from the past and know that all is actually happening in the present and that the present is all that actually exists and that all power and change are in the present moment and that the present moment is all we have in the first place.   Linear time does not really exist and life only happens in the present.  The time frame we live in has been created by us in order to attempt us from going insane!

Anytime I do not enjoy the present moment I do something about it, make a change in thinking.  I heal relationships and feel important the way I feel around others and demand that relationships remain positive.  I have been fortunate in my life to be able to consciously confront a person in a positive way and turn the relationship around so that we communicate more loving and considerate of each other.        I value the present moments so much and this is one reason that I now practice several arts that require me to be in the present moment or I could not do them:  examples are balancing poses in Yoga, teaching and doing T'ai Chi Chih and teaching and doing Meditation and doing dance and teaching dancing aerobically and creating projects that require concentration.  It is easy to give "lip service" to being in the present moment, but I believe that we have to actually DO things that require us to be in the present moment.  Even washing dishes can be a present moment Meditation if you are "one with the dish' as Tich Nhat Hanh says.  I think we grow only when we are experiencing the joy of the present moment and that we are only actually alive when we are in the present moment.    

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