Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Forgiveness - Lesson 4

1. Explain how you agree or disagree with the Course's view of true forgiveness. Give examples that support your thoughts.
I agree with the course point of view on forgiveness, that true forgiveness has been a gift of the highest degree ordained to us by God and that true forgiveness is something that is done for us as individuals, but by the mercy of God. Forgiveness is done through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. It has been misunderstood by people what forgiveness truly is and there are approaches that people take towards forgiveness which truly is more of an expression of arrogance or as said in the study "Self condemnation" being that it is "no different than condemnation of another ''. True forgiveness changes us, not the person in focus as true forgiveness is always self forgiveness. For example, a divorce occurs due to serious reasons such as abuse. Forgiving the abuser does not mean we take away from the act of harm or the danger of the person. It means we forgive the past actions taken so that we are no longer bonded by trauma, held by fear or in a vicious cycle of self-hatred which frequently occurs in such circumstances. 

2. Re-write one of your own prayers for forgiveness in light of the true forgiveness taught by the Course. Show the before and after examples here:
Dear Lord, Please help me feel peace in my heart. 
Allow me to see from a higher perspective my challenges.
Please heal my perception of the moment
Please let me feel I have found myself again.
Holy Spirit please speak to me, direct me, let me feel your guidance.
Help me to recalibrate from my consequences of the wrong decisions.

Dear Lord, please help me feel peace in my heart.
Allow me to see from a high perspective my challenge with Luke.
Please heal my perception of our argument.
Please let me feel I have found myself again as our fights have hurt me.
Holy Spirit, please speak to me, direct me, let me know what I should do.
Help me to recalibrate from our situation, the consequences of his hurtful words.

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