Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Master of Spiritual Leadership ~ Final Essay

Master of Spiritual Leadership ~ Final Essay

By:  Rev. Trent Murman

Spiritual leadership, as well as leadership in general, is often hard to define. We think we know what it is but it's often hard to put into words. I think that sometimes we know more of what it is not than what it is. And yes, sometimes that is half the battle in understanding something, but let's try to understand it completely.  We tend to confuse leadership with management and with style of operation (management methods). Leadership, especially Spiritual leadership, certainly includes management and style of operation but is not totally defined by them. Theorists who have difficulty defining leadership sometimes try to explain it in terms of style or methods, but style and method can only explain what the leader does not who he is. A manager may consistently manage, but that doesn't mean he is a good leader. A person may have a consistent style of operation, but that doesn't mean he or she is a good leader. However, a good leader manages and operates in a style that works. What makes the difference?  Leadership is a developmental process of growing one's skills in leading others with an awareness and knowledge of our own honesty and integrity. Past and current leadership theory includes social responsibility, personal growth, and setting, as well as implementing and reaching personal and organizational goals.  preachology.com

Rule of Life Ministry ~ I believe Life should be sacred to each individual as I believe God planned it to be that way.  Life should be a joy for whom everyone experiencing it can partake in.  Thoughts and impositions should be not be forced on anyone.  I try to have compassion and understanding for everyone in all walks of Life.  My own thoughts on Life is not to try to convert anyone to my way of thinking or to my way of expressing the connection between myself and the Lord.  I generally practice as an independent chaplain, this way I can have the flexibility to outreach to many in not only my own faith but learn so much more about other faiths and beliefs. 

Letter to a community ~ I understand this is a very close knit community, mostly of military families.  We also understand there are many different faiths represented within this military community.  God has brought us together for a collective reason and that is to honor and serve this great country of ours.  There are going to be times when our loved ones are going to be sent away.  It is the duty of the ones remaining here to love and support those loved ones left behind.  I believe God has trusted us to work together.  I believe God does in fact care for all of us and will continue to guide us along the sands of time.  Truly making us aware of all that is good.  Remember, He is always with us and like the poem says – when you saw only one set of footprints….that is when He carried you.  He sees everything and knows all.  We must encourage each other to seek out their Gods, Ali, Buddha or whatever they believe in and find peace within themselves and this community they represent.  May peace and understanding be with all of us forever and ever.  Go In Peace

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