Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Spiritual Leadership ~ Eight Fold Path Part 2

Lesson 3 ~ Spiritual Leadership ~ Unit 1 Eight Fold Path Part 2 ~ Essay

Rev. Trent Murman


I sincerely feel there is an art to growing old.  It not only encompasses the physical state but also the mental state of growing old.  If you take this part of your life's journey with grace the journey will be smooth, if however, you choose to fight the aging process with everything you have, then this part of your journey will be miserable not only for you, but everyone you are connected with.  There will be those people around you that definitely boost you up and help you through your journey.  These may be your closest friends, family and work associates.  You will also have those associates that will tend to pull you down, those which may not want to see you succeed.  This could be due to their jealousy or fear of you doing better than them.  It would be in one's best interest to gracefully end those relationships which may hold you from moving forward.  Obviously, it would not be to your best interest to pursue these relationships.   There are things that lift you up or "energize" you in your everyday life experiences.  It might be a good cup of morning coffee, a run in the park or something as simple as a daily meditation time just for you to be alone with your thoughts and prayers.  When I come across something that brings me down "deflates or wears me out", I simply try to avoid that situation or person/s.  I feel if you live your life in the positive fashion and "do that which is right" every day, then you will reap the rewards.  GO IN PEACE

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