Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lesson 4, Miracle of Prayer

Prayer Exercise:

1. Explain how you agree or disagree with the Course's view of true forgiveness. Give examples that support your thoughts.

I Do agree on ACIM view of true forgiveness.  It's reassuring to know that it comes from God and that forgiveness is only possible from God and that it's Gods responsibility to truly forgive not ours. Thank goodness.    It makes it perfect, whole, pure, unconditional forgiveness.  Total forgiveness, complete understanding, and true freedom... What else could we ask for-really!  
Being that all of the "stuff" we think someone did or didn't do to us is a fabrication of the ego to continue and reinforce the lie that we are separate from God to begin with.  We end up with Forgiveness to Destroy philosophies causing more pain and damage then what was there to begin with.  The ego is sneaky in making us believe that we have the capacity in this state of reality to forgive.    The ego reinforces the separateness by finding more things to be "hurt"  or "injured"  or "victimized" by.  Why would our ego states want to truly forgive?  It doesn't --- it makes us believe that it does.

Using guilt, unworthiness, shame, excommunication, inferiority to invoke forgiveness is a sham!  When we make mistakes which are sins, which means missing the mark, God asks us to correct our mistakes, learn from them and move on.  Be Love .... That's all we are and that's what God is and that's what God expects from us.  If we are being Love then what is there to forgive. ? We only need forgiveness because we are not being our true selves -Love.  

I would much better choose to have true forgiveness and free myself from the pain. !     

I find in these moments when I'm studying the ACIM and adjusting my beliefs and attitudes that my ego dreams up little fears and distractions from my studies.  I get moments of panic that come up.  I know it's my ego freaking out because it's been found out.  :-).  I just send my ego Love and pray about it which helps immensely.  I also allow the fear to surface and observe it and investigate it- not playing into.  What happens then it naturally dissolves away. Resistance is futile.  I let it be and let it go.  If the ego has something to fight against it will.   So, I do my up most to release the resistance.  Tucking it away is even worse.  It lies there inside of me and simmers and grows until it rears its ugly head again and this time the fear is magnified into something far worse.  

I just hand it all over to spirit, spirit fixes all things.  Faith-Faith-Faith.  

Rev Naunie Maddox


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