Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lesson 17 Response

Denise L Graves
Lesson 17 Response - A Matrimonial Service

I like this. My changes are in the following areas:

1. God gender language. I replace He and Father with Creator, very present God or mother father God.

2. I changed Heavenly with ever present because I believe that using Heaven would require quiet a bit of explanation. Heaven is not a physical location.

3. I would remove the story of Jesus turning water into wine and replace with a story of the miracle of beginnings like the creation. Gen 1:26 and 27. It describes the equality of humankind and later talks about Gods charge to Adam and Eve to be good stewards, be fruitful and multiply Love.

4. I like the temple being a place where Love and forgiveness flourishes. I would add that the temple is not static. It is always growing, transforming and relevant.

5. The opportunity to describe how they met publicly seemed a little time consuming. I reworded the "question - what attracted you to.?" If these questions are asked in counselling then the nervousness that often accompanies wedding will be eased when answering publicly.

6. I added that marriage is an example of joint leadership. There are times when situations require skill sets to make room for following with joy and leading with care. No one person leads all of the time. God made no one person to follow all of the time. As both female and male were made by God to compliment one another.

7. Love is a fact not an Illusion... I would remove the following sentence because the process required would take significant time to be appreciated.

8. Marriage is a temple where love is released. Here I added "to the bride/groom take this moment to forgive the other and release them to their highest good. Now forgive yourself for past hurts. This scared act of forgiveness frees us all to be present in this new future."

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