Spirituality Course

This blog is about the various courses on Spirituality offered through the ULC Seminary. The students offer responses to their various lessons and essays upon completion of the courses.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The opening paper

Thank you for your opening notes I was surprised to receive them so soon after registration and payment I must right from the start say I have served GOD. From the age of 19 not always at full power but like an earthly father well some anyway he has loved me through 2 divorces and I am hanging in their what I like about the notes I have received is. The fact that at all times we are servants of God not. Out their in the world to treat people with disrespect just because their belief system is different to our concept of Faith or if you take the scientific approach a completely different view of the world as those with a humanist approach I can accept both points of view for example my mom as you Americans call your mum she was a woman of Faith but I have always known she thought parts of the. New testament were questionable that is why when I conducted her funeral I chose psalm 121 and dis a secular committal because I was not prepared to do mums service to please and comfort others as it happened apart from my partner BERYL and a friend from a spiritualist church 2others were we're not Christians as defined by. Faith one was a wiccan the other was a lapsed Catholic the other was an old school chum of mine ,, now the point I am making is. Whatever the view of this present it showed a love that went beyond personnel faith to what we. Call agape part of what we are to show to all thank you Amie GOD BLESS YOU X